Reading Challenge

Write Tribe Reading Challenge 2019

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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A Word for the new year.

Another year has gone by. Life is moving on at a fast pace. If we pay attention to every day, it seems to drag by. But when we look back at the year as such, we find that time just flew by and we barely noticed! (May be, that's why the wise people say - always look at the bigger picture!)

As time flies by, the times of our lives change too. We are not the same people we were a year ago. For me, it has been a phenomenal year with a lot of changes. The year has taught me some most important lessons of my life.

* To start with, I have learnt that it is not as necessary to be happy, as it is to be content. If you are contented, if there is peace in the heart, then you won't be lacking anything in life.

* And that is the second lesson. We really don't lack anything, it is our desire for 'more' that creates the illusion of 'lack' in our life. Where there is gratitude and contentment, there is abundance!

* Our happy place, our place of peace and contentment is within us. Neither people nor places can make us happy if we do not feel connected with our own Self which is the source of ultimate bliss.

* Religion, spirituality, rituals and the likes are nothing if there isn't basic 'humanity' within us! The most important duty for us is to revere life in all its forms. Be it trees, be it animals or humans - everyone deserves respect, everyone deserves to live.

* The emotions - however overwhelming they may seem to be - it is important to realize that they are temporary, like clouds passing through the sky. It is never a good decision to take any action only on the basis of the temporary emotion that you may be experiencing at that given point of time.

Words have great power. They can change your mood, they can motivate you, they can drive you to despair. Words can define the course of action for you. With this view in mind, I kept searching for a word that would define the new year for me. Can I say 'define the new year'? May be. Or, the better term/phrase would be - 'What the new year would be really about.'

After a lot of introspection, I finally found the word. 'Write'. Because nothing else gives me as much satisfaction and happiness as writing. Because it feels like just the thing I should do. Because I can't imagine a life without writing. Because it is as essential to me as breathing. Because, only as a writer, I can identify myself now.

The question arises - Am I a good writer? I don't think so. Will I be a good writer? I am not sure. The only thing I know for sure is, I have to write! So I will.

Because, good, bad or mediocre, I am a writer and a writer always writes!

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